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Roots Vegan Skincare

African Fractionated Coconut Oil

Regular price £6.00 GBP
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Coconut is a wonderful oil to use as a bath oil with natural dispersant properties allowing you to combine essential oils and create luxurious bath oils without chemicals.

A lovely light textured oil which is refined by fractionation from coconut. Scent free. 


Blended with other carriers oil Coconut makes a lovely massage oil which is rich on the skin.

Like Jojoba Coconut helps the skin naturally control its oil secretions and most importantly application of Coconut on the skin after washing with soap / shower gel helps the skin quickly and naturally restore its pH level to 5.5 without blocking pores. Using coconut in skin care products or direct on the skin is a wonderfully natural way to beautiful skin.

Latin Name

Caprylic / capric triglyceride

Extraction Method


Country of Origin

Africa and South East Asia

Oil Specification

Colour - Clear / Tinge
Odour - Bland
Free Fatty Acids - 0.07%
Peroxide Value - 0.46
Saponification Value - 186
Iodine Value - 88
Specific Gravity - 0.93
Refractive Index - 1.55
pH - 4.08



Fatty Acids

Capronic C6:0: < 0.2
Caprylic C8:0: 50 - 80
Capric C10:0: 20 - 50
Lauric C12:0: < 3.0
Heavier > C14:0 < 5.0

Natural Contents

Coconut oil contains vitamins A, B and E as well as phosphorus, calcium, iron, manganese and magnesium.


If you offer Indian Head using oils, Camellia Oil is the perfect oil, light and conditioning to the hair and scalp it will leave your client feeling invigorated and relaxed with a fantastic shine.



Coconut Carrier (Fractionated) Oil


None recorded and as with all carrier oils (except St Johns Wort), safe to use during pregnancy. As with all nut based carrier oils, always use with caution on people with nut allergies.